If you are ready to completely rejuvenate your appearance and eradicate age-related imperfections, then it is time for you to take a closer look at the Vivace Experience. That advanced treatment will allow you to target and erase a variety of blemishes throughout the face, and you won’t have to worry about a lengthy or painful recovery. You can immediately leave the office as soon as the treatment is over, and the average patient notices improvements to their skin within a few days of their first appointment.
An Overview of the Vivace Experience
The Vivace Experience is a new treatment approach that combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy, and it is a great option for any patient who would like a minimally invasive treatment that is both safe and effective. The Vivace machine is nothing more than a mobile device with a small attachment that a team member can guide over a patient’s skin. The procedure begins with a unique treatment known as microneedling. Many years ago, doctors and cosmetic specialists realized that they could trigger the production of fresh collagen by creating microscopic tears in the skin. During a microneedling session, countless tears are created, and that results in fresh collagen that will minimize or completely erase nearby blemishes.
In addition to microneedling, Vivace treatments also involve the use of radiofrequency energy. When RF energy is directed at your skin, it triggers your body’s healing response and tightens the nearby tissue. RF energy is now being used to treat a variety of blemishes throughout the face and body, and that includes wrinkles, fine lines, loose skin, and oversized pores. When RF energy is combined with microneedling, it can completely transform a patient’s appearance and restore their youthful beauty.
Most Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vivace Microneedling
If you have decided that you might be a good candidate for this treatment, then you will probably want to skim through some of the, most frequently asked questions regarding Vivace microneedling. One of the most common concerns that patients have is if microneedling is painful. Luckily, many of the leading clinics now apply a special numbing cream to the skin 30 minutes before each treatment, and that means most patients feel nothing more than minor pressure throughout the procedure. You might also be wondering when you are going to see results following your appointment. While every situation is slightly different, the average individual is going to see some improvements after a few days.
What to Expect During Your Appointment
The procedure should only take a few minutes to complete, but you will need to arrive early so that the numbing cream can be applied. Once the treatment site is numb, a team member is going to guide the device just over the skin for a short period of time. After the treatment is over, a serum will be applied to the skin to minimize discomfort and improve the results. As a general rule, patients should plan on relaxing at home following their Vivace appointments, and no makeup can be applied to the skin for at least six hours.
Rejuvenating Your Skin
The Vivace Experience is a new treatment approach that combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy, and it might be exactly what you need to look and feel your best. After you have carried out some research online and looked over the most frequently asked questions regarding Vivace microneedling, you should then schedule an appointment with a clinic that offers this amazing treatment to see if it might be right for you.
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